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Является свободным статистическим программным обеспечением для эпидемиологии, разработанным Центром по контролю и профилактике заболеваний (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
With Epi Info™ and a personal computer, epidemiologists and other public health and medical professionals can rapidly develop a questionnaire or form, customize the data entry process, and enter and analyze data. Epidemiologic statistics, tables, graphs, and maps are produced with simple commands such as READ, FREQ, LIST, TABLES, GRAPH, and MAP. Epi Map displays geographic maps with data from Epi Info™.
Epi Info™ for Windows retains many features of the familiar Epi Info™ for DOS, while offering Windows ease of use strengths such as point-and-click commands, graphics, fonts, and printing.
Key Features of Epi Info™
Website: www.cdc.gov
Детерминированный симулятор пандемии гриппа.
A deterministic pandemic influenza simulator. Computes the effect of interventions like antiviral treatment of cases and social distancing. To be used for pandemic preparedness planning by health care offices. OS-independent Java/SWT/RCP/Applet.
Website: http://influsim.sourceforge.net/
Open Source Лабораторная информационная система
Bika Lab Systems was established in 2004 by Lemoene Smit and Inus Scheepers, identifying a need for affordable and easy to use information systems and instrument interfaces for small and medium size laboratories, customised to requirement.
Web clients were becoming popular but few LIMS were web based, merely web enabled legacy systems. And none of them open sourced. Bika Lab Systems sponsors and co-ordinates the Bika open source LIMS project at SourceForge.net, committed to keep the Bika code free and available and to maintain effective organisational support.
Bika positions herself as complete service provider for all of the LIMS implementation life cycle - requirements analysis, design, customisation and development, project management and quality control, documentation, systems integration, administration, hosting, customer training and support. Innovative designs, reliable systems, quality support for all laboratories big and small.
Website: http://www.bikalabs.com/
Приложение для управления сменой медицинской сестры. Обычно используется в больнице. Распространяется под лицензией GPL.
An application useful to manage work shifts. Windows standalone executable for operators and web interface for workers. Multi-area, multi-schema, multi-language architecture.
Layer for RDBMS technology independence, DB and LDAP authentication supported.
Website: http://eurekaworkshift.sourceforge.net/